Facebook is always in way to improve his user experience and security protection. This is why he is still at number one position. Although little spam is everywhere where but comparing with other social networking sites, Facebook is far better, clean and secure. To protect user privacy, it has its own security checks and block system.
Facebook take major actions against spam accounts and now it's smart enough to hunt them. I know it's really painful to lose your private account. So to be on safe side, you've to know how Facebook system works and how you can avoid your private account from block penalties. Before moving to solutions, first let me tell you about Facebook block system (also know as Facebook virtual jail).
There are two type of blocks. One is permanent and other is temporary. As name itself speaks, in permanent block, you'll be blocked permanently and you can't access your account or a particular service in any way. On the other hand, temporary block will disable your account or again particular services for a limited time period and after which you can access them again.
Facebook usually penalize users with temporary block only but if the problem is serious or if a person is repeating that same mistake again and again, it may be blocked permanently. Also, If someone is trying to hack Facebook account, chances are that it will be blocked soon. Below I had shortlisted some secrets tips which can help you to keep your account away from these Facebook block penalties.
Facebook clearly mention that one person can hold one account only. However, you can create any number of groups and pages in that account. Facebook has billions of active users but it doesn't mean that all users are real. Around 20-25% accounts are fake and they are used for spam purpose only. As already mentioned, Facebook is strict against them and that's why it is hard to create a duplicate account.
If it's really necessary for you to create a duplicate account, you have to be very careful. Your original and duplicate account should not be connected in any way. For example, If the phone number or account details you have filled will match with your original profile, Facebook will immediately block you. Treat them with different identity and don't add too many mutual friends or join and like similar groups and pages. Doing this, you're giving an edge to Facebook that your account is duplicate.
Groups are the best way to join hand with anonymous people. This is why Facebook take them very serious. It can ban you from posting, joining, adding and commenting on groups. To avoid these penalties, keep these important things in your mind.
Pages are good way to be in touch with your fan followers. Almost every official and unofficial person or organisation has their page on Facebook. So it become necessary to keep their standard. Here are some simple tips you should consider to avoid page related block penalties.
This is something which is very very important. We all know that Facebook help us to connect with our friends and family members but there are many people who use it for other negative purposes as well. For example, kidnappers and fraud people use it to trap small kids and innocents. Thousands of cases have been filled against this. On the other hand, some terrorist groups (good example is ISIS) are using social media sites to build to their online army.
Facebook itself is a virtual world where every real person living in this earth holds his/her own identity and good thing as well as bad thing is that, they all are in one place or under one roof. Due to these negative reasons, Facebook make sure that you're connected with those people only which are present in your real life. So If you'll continue to send or accept unknown friend requests for a long time, Facebook will definitely block you and it can be a permanent block as well.
Facebook is watching all its users and they keep record of all activities you do. Although, sending a normal message is no offense but if you'll send number of spam messages, you'll be blocked temporarily or may be permanently. The reason is same as explained in above point. Moreover, if the recipients will report your message to Facebook team, they will review it and then suitable action will be taken against you. While contacting any unknown person, don't send spam messages (people usually send offers and links which are considered as spam) and never message again and again if the person isn't responding.
Do you know what auto bots are? Okay, let me define it. In simple words, auto bots are the tools (basically online websites) that can do multiple task at once without manual work. Here auto means automatic and bots means robots. So its real meaning is automatic robots (virtual). They are generally used for spam purpose. For example, there are tons of auto liker websites which can help you to increase your post likes. Other auto bots are auto commenter, auto follower, multi group poster etc.,
Facebook is strictly against them and it doesn't support any kind of fake activities. I had already posted an article on why you should not use auto likers where I clearly explain all their drawbacks. If you're still using such auto bots, please remove them immediately, otherwise Facebook will block you.
You may find thousands of articles on Facebook tricks. Some of which ask you to copy the code and then paste it in browser console or URL tab. Well this can work but did you actually know what you're doing or is it really safe. Basically those codes are coded in JavaScript language.
JavaScript codes can alter your account settings or they can use your Facebook account for spam purpose. I am saying this because I had already used them for that purpose. For example, after executing the code, you may like unknown pages, send friend requests to unknown people or post in groups and comments anonymously. If you'll be found doing such activities, Facebook will block you immediately. So simple rule is to avoid them if you're not friendly with code.
The more professional you looks, the less your chances will be to get banned. You can update your profile information by fillings it's about section. Add all your real details like correct mobile number, address (your city name is enough), DOB, gender, nickname, political view, about info and favorite quotes. You can change the privacy of these things to public, friends or only me. I hope you can do that easily. Make sure to add your real profile picture and cover photo as well. This way you proves that your account is not fake and thus Facebook may avoid it from being blocked.
The day your account will be hacked, Facebook will treat it as fake and it may be blocked because hacker will use it for spamming purpose. So it's very important to protect your account in advance. I had already posted some essential tips to avoid being hacked on Facebook. If somehow you're hacked, you should recovery your account as soon as possible. Recovering hacked account is very simple. Either use your mobile phone number or Gmail ID to request new password.
Facebook doesn't allow or promote illegal content in any way. This includes hacking, pornography, drugs and other sensitive content related to caste, religion, gender, color or other thing. If you'll be found to post or promote such things, Facebook will immediately take action against you.
People can report your message, post or comment to Facebook team and they really act very fast. I had tried this many times and within one or two days, they will notify both users. Make sure to avoid this mistake. If bulk of reports will be filled against you, it may block your particular service or complete account as well.
Here are few more essential tips to avoid being blocked on Facebook -

Facebook take major actions against spam accounts and now it's smart enough to hunt them. I know it's really painful to lose your private account. So to be on safe side, you've to know how Facebook system works and how you can avoid your private account from block penalties. Before moving to solutions, first let me tell you about Facebook block system (also know as Facebook virtual jail).
There are two type of blocks. One is permanent and other is temporary. As name itself speaks, in permanent block, you'll be blocked permanently and you can't access your account or a particular service in any way. On the other hand, temporary block will disable your account or again particular services for a limited time period and after which you can access them again.
Facebook usually penalize users with temporary block only but if the problem is serious or if a person is repeating that same mistake again and again, it may be blocked permanently. Also, If someone is trying to hack Facebook account, chances are that it will be blocked soon. Below I had shortlisted some secrets tips which can help you to keep your account away from these Facebook block penalties.
1. One person, one account only
Facebook clearly mention that one person can hold one account only. However, you can create any number of groups and pages in that account. Facebook has billions of active users but it doesn't mean that all users are real. Around 20-25% accounts are fake and they are used for spam purpose only. As already mentioned, Facebook is strict against them and that's why it is hard to create a duplicate account.
If it's really necessary for you to create a duplicate account, you have to be very careful. Your original and duplicate account should not be connected in any way. For example, If the phone number or account details you have filled will match with your original profile, Facebook will immediately block you. Treat them with different identity and don't add too many mutual friends or join and like similar groups and pages. Doing this, you're giving an edge to Facebook that your account is duplicate.
2. Control group activities
Groups are the best way to join hand with anonymous people. This is why Facebook take them very serious. It can ban you from posting, joining, adding and commenting on groups. To avoid these penalties, keep these important things in your mind.
- Don't create too many groups
- Don't add all friends in any group - Facebook allow users to add their friends in group without their permission. This feature should be used in positive way. There is certain limit after which you may be blocked to add new members.
- Don't post too much - If you'll post same thing in too many groups, Facebook may find it spammy and thus you may be blocked for future posting. Never use auto bots to post on multiple Facebook groups at once. It can detect them easily and you may run into trouble.
- Don't comment too much - In the same way, you should avoid to comment same thing in different posts. Keep a little time period gap between each comment and twist the content. Also, don't add links each time. If you'll do so, Facebook will mark your website as spam and users will be displayed a security check before they will leave Facebook to visit your website.
3. Control page activities
Pages are good way to be in touch with your fan followers. Almost every official and unofficial person or organisation has their page on Facebook. So it become necessary to keep their standard. Here are some simple tips you should consider to avoid page related block penalties.
- Don't like too many pages - Although, there is no specific limit but if you'll like too many pages at the same time, you may be temporarily blocked by Facebook to like new pages.
- Don't spam in comments - As like in groups, you should avoid to post spam comments in Facebook pages. For example, sharing your website links in too many comments will obviously look spammy and thus you or your website will be penalized.
- Don't create unnecessary pages
4. Don't send or accept unknown friend requests
This is something which is very very important. We all know that Facebook help us to connect with our friends and family members but there are many people who use it for other negative purposes as well. For example, kidnappers and fraud people use it to trap small kids and innocents. Thousands of cases have been filled against this. On the other hand, some terrorist groups (good example is ISIS) are using social media sites to build to their online army.
Facebook itself is a virtual world where every real person living in this earth holds his/her own identity and good thing as well as bad thing is that, they all are in one place or under one roof. Due to these negative reasons, Facebook make sure that you're connected with those people only which are present in your real life. So If you'll continue to send or accept unknown friend requests for a long time, Facebook will definitely block you and it can be a permanent block as well.
5. Don't send messages to unknown people
Facebook is watching all its users and they keep record of all activities you do. Although, sending a normal message is no offense but if you'll send number of spam messages, you'll be blocked temporarily or may be permanently. The reason is same as explained in above point. Moreover, if the recipients will report your message to Facebook team, they will review it and then suitable action will be taken against you. While contacting any unknown person, don't send spam messages (people usually send offers and links which are considered as spam) and never message again and again if the person isn't responding.
6. Don't use auto bots & auto likers
Do you know what auto bots are? Okay, let me define it. In simple words, auto bots are the tools (basically online websites) that can do multiple task at once without manual work. Here auto means automatic and bots means robots. So its real meaning is automatic robots (virtual). They are generally used for spam purpose. For example, there are tons of auto liker websites which can help you to increase your post likes. Other auto bots are auto commenter, auto follower, multi group poster etc.,
Facebook is strictly against them and it doesn't support any kind of fake activities. I had already posted an article on why you should not use auto likers where I clearly explain all their drawbacks. If you're still using such auto bots, please remove them immediately, otherwise Facebook will block you.
7. Don't play with malicious codes
You may find thousands of articles on Facebook tricks. Some of which ask you to copy the code and then paste it in browser console or URL tab. Well this can work but did you actually know what you're doing or is it really safe. Basically those codes are coded in JavaScript language.
JavaScript codes can alter your account settings or they can use your Facebook account for spam purpose. I am saying this because I had already used them for that purpose. For example, after executing the code, you may like unknown pages, send friend requests to unknown people or post in groups and comments anonymously. If you'll be found doing such activities, Facebook will block you immediately. So simple rule is to avoid them if you're not friendly with code.
8. Keep your profile up to date
The more professional you looks, the less your chances will be to get banned. You can update your profile information by fillings it's about section. Add all your real details like correct mobile number, address (your city name is enough), DOB, gender, nickname, political view, about info and favorite quotes. You can change the privacy of these things to public, friends or only me. I hope you can do that easily. Make sure to add your real profile picture and cover photo as well. This way you proves that your account is not fake and thus Facebook may avoid it from being blocked.
9. Avoid your account from being hacked
The day your account will be hacked, Facebook will treat it as fake and it may be blocked because hacker will use it for spamming purpose. So it's very important to protect your account in advance. I had already posted some essential tips to avoid being hacked on Facebook. If somehow you're hacked, you should recovery your account as soon as possible. Recovering hacked account is very simple. Either use your mobile phone number or Gmail ID to request new password.
10. Don't post/promote illegal content
Facebook doesn't allow or promote illegal content in any way. This includes hacking, pornography, drugs and other sensitive content related to caste, religion, gender, color or other thing. If you'll be found to post or promote such things, Facebook will immediately take action against you.
People can report your message, post or comment to Facebook team and they really act very fast. I had tried this many times and within one or two days, they will notify both users. Make sure to avoid this mistake. If bulk of reports will be filled against you, it may block your particular service or complete account as well.
Few more important tips
Here are few more essential tips to avoid being blocked on Facebook -
- Use your real name - You should use your real names only. Using business name in personal profile is strictly prohibited and instead of that, you can create a page. I have seen many people using stylish fonts in their name. This is also bad.
- Be an active user - Although it's not necessary to be an active user but if your account will be dead for a long time (say 2 years), it may be blocked temporarily and you've to pass a security check in order to access it again.
- Don't tag all friends - Tagging is made to tag those people who are in the photo or at the time when you're updating your status. Unfortunately, this feature is misused by many people just to get little likes on their posts.
- Don't change your browser IP address or login from unknown devices (like from cyber cafe).
Don't criticize Islam.