30 March 2024

5 Ways to Keep Your IP Address Protected

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The internet is a fun place to explore, but just like every other thing that has an advantage, the internet is filled with its challenges; users of the internet are susceptible to losing their information and privacy, among other things. The importance of ensuring that users are protected while surfing their favorite site cannot be over-emphasized. The internet can be described as a booby-trap-filled maze that is both full of adventures and dangers, but learning to maneuver your way can make it an overall enlightening experience.

How to keep your IP address protected

One of the many things you need to keep protected as you engage in activities on the internet is your IP address. Your IP address is part of your online identity and just like every other kind of identification, it can be stolen and used for unscrupulous things by hackers.

What is My IP Address?

You would have heard of the term IP address in the past. While many people know that it is an internet-related term, there are only a handful of people who really know what this means and how to find it. So, what is an IP address? IP address stands for Internet Protocol address and is a form of numerical identification tag that is used to note a computer network that makes use of the Internet Protocol for the exchange of communication with other computer networks. Simply put, your IP address is similar to an identity card with which your computer network is identified when you go on the internet. Just as you are identified at your office or workplace using your name card or ID card, your computer network is identified using your IP address and transmits your physical location.

Your Internet Protocol address was created for two functions namely; identifying a host or network interface and finding the location of your device. There are two major categories of IP addresses. One is Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). These are notations in which IP addresses are created in such a way that they are understood based on the purpose they serve.

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)

The internet of web protocol version 4 (IPv4), is a vital protocol for internet-working strategies and packet-switched networks that are based on standards. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address space and provides 4,294,967,296 (232) unique device addresses and was the pioneer version that was created for production in 1982 on SATNET and on the ARPANET in January of 1983. It was created to enable web-networking at the internet layer of the Internet Protocol Suite. However, it has limited capacities and the IPv6 was designed to fix its problems.

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

This is the more advanced IP address and a more viable option than the IPv4. It was created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Internet Protocol version 6 acts as a bridge, providing networks and routing traffic across the internet with its system created for identification and location. IPv6 was created to fulfill the demand for more addresses after the internet was commercialized in the 90s. Unlike IPv4, it uses a 128-bit address enabling 3.4 x 1038 (2128) addresses. What this means in essence is that IPv6 is an upgrade to IPv4 and has quite a plethora of benefits when compared with its counterpart IPv4.

How to Protect My IP Address

Since IP addresses can be easily accessed by anyone and prone to attacks by hackers, the question on your mind is probably; how do I protect my IP address ? First of all, you can use IPcost to find your IP address if you're still asking questions like what's my IP. Here are five ways you can protect your IP address and keep your information safe, secure, and far away from the claws of hackers.

Avoid Suspicions/Malicious Content and Emails

In most cases, the malware that appears on your devices comes from clicking on unscrupulous websites and emails. It is important to keep your eyes on the lookout while browsing. This is because when connected to the internet, the website gets access to your IP address which makes your device susceptible to hacking. Pay extra attention to the content of an email before you open or click on links that are within. You should also avoid downloading content from unauthorized sites. Many of this malware doesn't exactly look harmful at first, so you have to have your eyes out for them.

Hide Your Tracks With a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are like a shield that protects your data ensuring that they cannot be accessed from your network while surfing the internet. They are globally recognized as the safest mode of going about your internet activities without worrying about losing any data or getting traced. It works by disguising your identity and giving you access to the internet through remote addresses.

Change Your Devices' Settings From Public to Private

Changing your phone’s settings from public to private is another way to protect your IP address because many of the apps you have on your phone can make your phone vulnerable to hacking. Ensure that you download your apps from authorized app stores and websites, and reduce the amount of calling apps you have on your phone as a hacker could get access to your device and location from these.

Use a Proxy Server While You Surf the Internet

A proxy works like a VPN but is not exactly the same as a VPN. It works essentially by handling your computer traffic on your behalf and serves as a “blanket” shielding your computer network from hackers and other bad actors. You can also manually change your device’s proxy settings to use a proxy server.

Hide Your IP Address and Always Delete Cookies

Hiding your IP address is another effective way of keeping yourself protected from the bad actors on the internet and gaining total control of your personal information. Some apps collect information and use it to send personalized ads and predict your tastes; in this instance hiding your IP address may not work all the time. A more suitable option would be to delete your cookies regularly. You can also use browsers that do not reveal your IP address to surf the internet.

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